An updated How to Rent Guide, a checklist for renting in England which must be issued by both letting agents and landlords to new tenants or those renewing, has been released by the government.
It is crucial that agents issue the correct and current version of the How to Rent guide as a failure to do so before the tenants move in can invalidate a Section 21 notice used to regain possession.
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DHLUC) has updated the guide to include recent legislative changes, including the requirement for carbon monoxide alarms to be fitted in every room with a fixed fuel-burning appliance and the requirement for EICRs must be provided to the tenants.
The updated verion of the guide also supports tenants with learning disabilities. It is supplementary to How to Rent: the checklist for renting in England and will be available as an additional supporting resource where appropriate.
The new version of the How to Rent guide is available here.