An Opinium poll of 2,000 UK home owners has found that 16% are more likely to consider moving house following the general election.
London emerged as the region where sentiment was strongest. Nearly a third of Londoners (31%) are now more likely to move home, according to the survey.
The attitudes revealed by the poll appear to be at odds with estate agents’ current perceptions, however.
A recent survey of nearly 1,000 UK estate agents by GetAgent found that a post-election boost in the market had so far failed to materialise.
However, the same survey found that 56% of agents believe the election result will eventually benefit the housing market.
The latest poll showing more Brits in favour of moving home was commissioned by Jukebox Marketing. Stephen Jury, managing director, said the agency had noted that optimism had become a trend in the last few weeks.
“We work across a variety of lifestyle brands, including property,” he said. “While it’s not across the board, and there are still areas of caution, our stats do appear to show a renewed interest in spending money, living life to the fullest and making big decisions in the coming year.
“Hopefully, this bodes well for the property market and economy in general,” he added.