Measures in the Renters’ Rights Bill like the decent homes standard and private housing database will fall flat unless the government makes sure they are properly enforced, the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has warned.
The NRLA therefore called on the government to publish an assessment of the resources local authority enforcement teams currently have, and will need, to enforce what is proposed in the Renters’ Rights Bill.
Ben Beadle, chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, said: “For too long the vast majority of decent, responsible landlords have been tarnished by the actions of a minority of rogue operators failing to provide good enough housing.
“If planned reforms are to work, councils need to up their game at finding and rooting out those who have no place renting property out and making it easier for the law-abiding majority providing decent and safe homes.
“Our report today suggests local authorities will struggle to enforce much of what is in the Renters’ Rights Bill.
“Without further action, the only winners from all this will be the minority of unscrupulous landlords.”
Freedom of Information data shows that less than half of all fines levied against rogue landlords in England were collected between 2021 and 2023. Meanwhile, 49% of English councils had failed to issue a single fine against a rogue landlord during this time.
One in four councils in England said they will likely have to apply for emergency government bailouts to stave off bankruptcy.
The NRLA also called for councils to be required to publish an annual report on enforcement activity related to the private rented sector.
Meanwhile there should be measures to prevent duplication of efforts between the planned database of private sector landlords and properties and local landlord licensing schemes.
Finally the NRLA called for the development of a new national post of chief environmental health officer to champion better enforcement.
Via @PropertyWire