A prominent energy industry organisation has just issued a new guide aimed at improving private rental sector properties.
The Energy Saving Trust - which describes itself as an independent organisation ”working to address the climate emergency” - claims renters will be hit especially hard by the cost of living crisis as they are unable to carry out significant energy efficiency home improvements to reduce costs.
The Trust says: “Landlords can support their tenants by offering energy saving advice and installing energy efficiency home upgrades. Summer is the ideal time to carry out these home improvements, before colder weather hits and energy prices go up again.”
The guide suggests that a starting point is talking through Energy Performance Certificates with tenants, and then working on possible improvements over the summer.
The Trust suggests a familiar list of changes including insulation - solid wall, cavity wall and loft insulation - plus the installation of energy efficient boilers and the filling of draught gaps.
It then goes on to recommend double glazing windows and fitting energy efficient doors, plus the current government recommendation of heat pumps.
“Reminding your tenants to save energy and money, no matter who’s paying the bills, will help everyone” says the Trust.
You can see the full guide here.