Owners of some rental properties, and agents acting on their behalf, can now apply for grants to contribute towards the cost of installing Electric Vehicle chargers.
To access the grant, a landlord must first register and the grant amount given is per chargepoint socket installed.
It provides up to 75 per cent of the cost towards the purchase and installation of a socket, limited to £350 per grant.
Installers must be approved by the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles, which is providing the grants.
Landlords or their agents can receive up to 200 grants a year for residential properties, and a further 100 for commercial properties.
These may be across a number of properties and installations or just for one property.
The government says that should the grant rate change, or the scheme end, it will honour grant claims made before the date of any public announcement.
Those who can apply must be registered at Companies House so the scheme only helps incorporated buy to let landlords or their agents, as well as right to manage companies, companies owning the freehold of a leased or rented property, social housing providers and public bodies and charities.
The guidance says:
Your customer’s property must be located in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. Properties in the Channel Islands and Isle of Man are not included.
Your customer can apply for:
- single-unit residential properties, such as flats and houses
- multi-unit residential properties, such as apartment blocks
- commercially let properties that have parking dedicated for staff use or fleet use of the tenant or prospective tenant
If your customer is applying for a single unit residential property, it cannot be their place of residence. If your customer is applying for a commercially let property, the chargepoint must be dedicated for the use by the staff or fleets of the property’s tenant. It cannot be for public use.
Further details are available here.