A new survey claims to show the rent differences between furnished and unfurnished homes to let in various cities.
For example, London landlords can make more than £9,000 per calendar month if they furnish their property, according to CIA Landlord Insurance.
It says that on average, landlords with rentals in London receive £2,189 a month in rent. However, if they furnish their property, they could get £9,120 per month.
Bristol is the second most profitable location for landlords with furnished properties with the average monthly income at £2,038.
Following closely behind is Brighton and Hove, where landlords can secure £1,898 per month for a furnished property, giving them a yearly income of nearly £23,000.
However the least profitable location for landlords with furnished properties is Plymouth, as these types of rentals cost £606, even £225 less per month than unfurnished ones.
CIA Landlord Insurance says London has the highest proportion of furnished properties in the UK.
In May 2022, there were over 10,000 furnished rentals listed on Zoopla.
The city with the least number of furnished rentals is Swindon, with just 28 furnished properties listed there in May 2022. Wolverhampton also has a small number of furnished properties available, with 32 furnished properties listed in comparison to 88 unfurnished.
CIA Landlord Insurance said that in the UK, searches for ‘furnished rental’ have risen 19 per cent in the last 12 months.
But there has been a decline in people looking for unfurnished rental properties, with internet searches dropping by 202 per cent over the same period.
Via @LandlordToday